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import Checkbox from '@concur/nui-widgets/lib/Forms/Checkbox';

Checkbox is a specialized form control that emits an <input> with a type of checkbox.



Different states of a checkbox can be set using the checked and indeterminate properties.

    label='Standard Example' />
    label='Indeterminate Example'
    onChange={(value) => {
        checkStateRender[1] = value;
            checkState: checkStateRender
    }} />


Inline checkboxes will be shown on the same horizontal row rather than stacked. Use the inline property for this option.

    label='Standard Example' />
    label='Indeterminate Example'
    onChange={(value) => {
        checkStateRender[1] = value;
            checkState: checkStateRender
    }} />


Use the required property to mark checkboxes as required. Labels will display a visual indication while input controls will have a required attribute added to help with assistive technologies.

    required />

Validation States

The validation tooltip will be triggered when hovering over the icon next to the checkbox. Use the validationMessage property to set a validation state.

    label='Option #1'
    validationMessage={{ state: 'warning', text: 'Validation warning message' }} />
    label='Option #2'
    validationMessage={{ state: 'error', text: 'Validation error message' }} />

Disabled State

Use the disabled property to disable a checkbox. A disabled element is unusable and un-clickable.

    label='Example 1' />
    label='Example 2' />

ReadOnly State

ReadOnly is not a supported state for the Checkbox component.



Property Type Default Description
label String Required Text label for checkbox input.
checked Boolean false When true, the checkbox renders as “checked”.
className String   Any custom classes to add to the <label> element.
disabled Boolean false When true, the checkbox gets the disabled attribute.
hiddenLabel Boolean false When true, the label will not be shown. It will still be present with a screen-reader-only class which allows it to be read to assistive technologies.
indeterminate Boolean false When true, the checkbox renders a “mixed” state (shows as a “-“ in the checkbox).
inline Boolean false When true, checkboxes will be shown on the same row rather than stacked.
labelClassName String   Classes to be added to the wrapping <label> tag.
labelProps Object   Other props to be spread onto the wrapping <label> tag.
required Boolean false Adds the required attribute to the <input> element. NOTE: This does not perform any validation, but rather just marks the field as required.
size String 'lg' Size of the <label> element. Options are 'lg', 'md', 'sm'.
validationMessage Object   An object identifying a validation message. The object will include properties for state and text; e.g., { state: 'warning', text: 'This is your last warning' }. The options for state are 'error' and 'warning'. text is the message shown in the validation tooltip; as with all text, it must be localized.


Property Parameters Description
onChange checked (Boolean), event Callback function for onChange events.