
Tags are used to highlight an item and set it apart from the rest of the content. They may contain either text or an icon. Also, they may display as an outline or a filled-in rectangle.





‘Preferred’ Tags


Font, Color and Usage:

  • ‘Preferred’ background fill: Concur Blue (#0078C8)
  • ‘Preferred’ background: 62 wide, 20 tall
  • Title padding: 5 top & bottom, 8 left & right
  • Title: SF UI Text, 12 points, White (#FFFFFF)

Preferred Tags with redlines Preferred Tags without redlines

Redlines with ‘Preferred’ Tags

‘Sold Out’ Tags


Font, Color and Usage:

  • ‘Sold Out’ background fill: White (#FFFFFF)
  • ‘Sold Out’ stroke: 1pt, Medium Gray (#A7B6BF)
  • ‘Sold Out’ background: 62 wide, 20 tall
  • Title padding: 5 top & bottom, 8 left & right
  • Title: SF UI Text, 12 points, Medium Gray (#A7B6BF)

Sold Out Tags with redlines Sold Out Tags without redlines

Redlines with ‘Sold Out’ Tags

‘Approved’ Tags


Font, Color and Usage:

  • ‘Approved’ background fill: Green (#62AC64)
  • ‘Approved’ background: 62 wide, 20 tall
  • Title padding: 5 top & bottom, 8 left & right
  • Title: SF UI Text, 12 points, White (#FFFFFF)

Approved Tags with redlines Approved Tags without redlines

Redlines with ‘Approved’ Tags