
Intentional navigation design enables easier navigating, understanding, and access to all elements of a page. To do this, we use the concept of reading order.

Tab Order vs. Reading Order

On any given page, a default navigational tab order exists but it might not be optimized for the content structure. Reading order is an optimal order for parsing page content and considers how content is navigated using assitive reading technologies. For further reference, please see ACC-272-Tab/ReadingOrder.

Group Skipping

Group skipping affords assistive reading technologies the ability to skip sections of content. When designing reading order, group skipping should be considered. For futher reference, please see ACC-269-GroupSkipping.

Reading Orders

Use the reading orders below by referencing them in your design specifications.

Left to Right Dominant

Reading order flows from left to right, then top to bottom.

diagram left to right reading order

Top to Bottom Dominant

Reading order flows from top to bottom, then left to right.

diagram left to right reading order


Use the reading order that is most suitable for your context. The page may contain a combination of two or more reading orders.

diagram left to right reading order