
Status types can be applied to FormGroup (error and warning), MessageBar, MessageBox, Popover, and Toast (success).

Icon Name Description Components
Success Signifies that an action has been completed successfully MessageBar, MessageBox, Popover, Toast
Information Provides additional information in context MessageBar, MessageBox, Popover
Warning Warns the user in a situation where they may proceed FormControl, MessageBar, MessageBox, Popover
Error Warns the user in a situation where they cannot proceed until the error has been resolved FormControl, MessageBar, MessageBox, Popover


  • For “success” content
  • To pair with “heads up” content
  • To confirm the completion of a defined series of tasks or long task flow


  • To subtly communicate extra information pertaining to the page content or task
  • To present supplementary information, like user guidance


  • In medium impact situations (i.e. out of policy situation)
  • To inform/alert users of a potential error
  • To direct users toward a certain task flow


  • In high impact situations (e.g. deleting an expense report)
  • To educate users on how to fix an error
  • To bar users from completing a task until they fix an error